Monday, July 07, 2008

Menstrual Stem Cell Research

In today’s scientific research through high-technology, scientists have proven and confirmed that menstrual fluid have self-renewing stem cells. These stem cells have characteristics like bone marrow and embryonic stem cells that replicate rapidly. It has been demonstrated for medical treatments. Don’t you know that we, as women can save and collect our menstrual fluids using C’elle kit? How does it work? This kit is just easy to follow. The menstrual stem cells will be "frozen in time” to maintain the effectiveness and potency for a long period of time.

However, using their patented and original technology the preserved menstrual stem can be recovered and defrosted. As I said earlier, these menstrual stems have the probability to threat disease and illnesses e.g. diabetes, stroke, heart disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, osteoporosis and spinal cord injury, anti-aging and many others. Are you curious to know more about this kit? Look up their website,, for more information about it and read C'elle Client Testimonial to better understand the benefits of this innovative technology. They are featured at Check it out and read the article. This might save your life or loved ones life in the future.

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