Friday, April 20, 2012

30 Rock

I appreciate the guest post, Rodrigo Coffey

 Does anyone even still watch 30 Rock anymore? It is one of those shows that fills up my DVR and is great if I ever run out of shows that I am excited about watching but I never usually get around to watching it. I think there are six episodes on my DVR as we speak just sitting there waiting to be watched by me and I will probably not get around to them any time soon. Eventually I will probably just delete them to make more room on my DVR but I will probably never remember to cancel the series recording. I think that some people are still watching this show or else it wouldn’t still be on but no one that I know of watches it. Did it get too far fetched and ridiculous for all of us to watch or what happened? Maybe the Liz Lemon character seems too old at this point to be playing someone who seems so incapable and dumb. Check out direct tv prices to find out the deals in your area so you can watch 30 Rock and judge for yourself.

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