Monday, June 16, 2008

Online Shopping tips

Do you shop online? Do you enjoy shopping online? Shopping can be really fun, you have the great and huge selections of different products. If so, here are my tips:

  1. Check out the seller. If you’re thinking about shopping on a site with which you’re not familiar, do some independent research before you buy. Read the site’s privacy policy to learn how it uses and shares your personal information.
  2. Shop at Secure Web Sites. How can you tell if a web site is secure? It uses encryption technology to transfer information from your computer to the online merchant's computer. Encryption scrambles the information you send, such as your credit card number, in order to prevent computer hackers from obtaining it en route. The only people who can unscramble the code are those with legitimate access privileges. Look for websites that have a secure way of paying (known as an encryption facility) - these show a padlock at the bottom of the screen when you are filling in the payment details.
  3. Research the Web Site before You Order

  4. Secure your computer. At a minimum, your computer should have anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewal
  5. Compare prices: Search for the same toy on various different sites to find where you can get the lowest price.
  6. Lowest shipping charges: While shopping online, you do have to pay shipping charges on most sites which are calculated after you checkout.
  7. Discount Coupons: Keep an eye open for discount coupons either listed on the seller’s website itself, or elsewhere on the internet.
  8. Keep a paper trail. Print and save records of your online transactions, including the product description and price, the online receipt, and copies of any email you exchange with the seller.
  9. Turn your computer off when you’re finished shopping. Many people leave their computers running 24/7, the dream scenario for scammers who want to install malicious software on your machine and then control it remotely to commit cyber crime. To be extra safe, switch off your computer when you are not using it.

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