Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reducing calories

There are many ways to reduce Calories in our body. Some people are into dieting. They skip meals and eat less. But those ways are dangerous to our health. You don't have to skip meals or have a goal of 300 Calories a day. I know somebody who's into this technique. I really do think that it is risky. Today, I have a few tips to share with you, guys, about reducing calories in our body.

1. Add more vegetables to your diet. The more you take in raw vegetables into your daily meal, the fewer calorie you intake.
2.Avoid snacking junked food like cheetos, fritos, doritos. They are all high in fats and full of junk.
3. If you want to eat dessert, see the ingredients and the calories. Be aware that cake and ice cream are high in calories.

Well, that's all for now. I will continue later....

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