Wednesday, February 13, 2008

alexa toolbar

I have not publicized this blog yet. I guess, it's about time to do it. I am ready to let the world of blogs know my new blog site. hehe I still have to submit this to RSS feeds, to the google cache, bookmarks, technorati, alexa and things like that. A few weeks ago, me and my friend (I will not mention the name) found out that alexa toolbar is a spyware. We were kinda anxious about it since we had installed alexa toolbar in our browser. We were gullible to believe that using alexa toolbar could somehow increase our alexa ratings. I searched online about alexa being a spyware, some said it is and some said it is not a spyware. If you have installed alexa toolbar in your browser.then they can monitor every transaction you make over the net and gather your browsing search and information. This is how they rank sites. But I don't like anyone checks and monitors my transactions in the net. There are many ways to uninstall it like thru uninstall alexa, spybot you may search it on the net. In my situation, I did uninstall the alexa toolbar in my browser thru windows security. You can also let your windows security scan your computer and it will automatically delete unnecessary files. So, it's better not to install it at all. Just sharing the lesson I learned from my experience.

1 comment:

Mafe said...

anhi na lang ko leave ug comment oi.hehhe nice baya imong blog :D.puni pa hehehe